Market sentiment: GREEN BNB: 595$ ETH: 3501$
Pixel Pepe ETH
Chain: Ethereum Blockchain (ETH)
Contract: 0x63dacef3438482d5c809a18461b36b5e0c910635
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In progress

Launch: 347 days ago

All Votes: 1

Votes in 24h: 1

Pixelpepe serves as the exclusive digital currency within the immersive Pixelverse, providing users with the means to engage in exciting activities such as creature creation, breeding, and thrilling multiplayer battles. Operating on a deflationary model, Pixelpepe functions as a cryptocurrency that enables users to mint unique and valuable NFTs, which they can utilize strategically to conquer opponents within the dynamic multiplayer arena. Through strategic development and community insights, Pixelpepe aims to become the home of mini games in the Metaverse, while simultaneously providing an ecosystem where users are able to obtain nfts, play and socialise in the same environment.
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