Market sentiment: GREEN BNB: 595$ ETH: 3501$
Tater Inu BSC
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Contract: 0x999f54faf83824509371ad7d4864ed23ea64a927
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In progress

Launch: 20 June 2022

All Votes: 3

Votes in 24h: 1

Taters, the Tater Inu mascot, is coming to the BNB Smart Chain to change meme tokens forever. He is bringing along his meme abilities to form and grow an incredible army. As the army grows, he will release his utility along the way. Utility like SpudSniper Coin Voting Site, Tater Tots NFT Collection, Staking & Earning Potato Chips, Tater Trader Token Swap, and 2 massive meme utilities to be revealed!
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